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Turi Gramstad Oliver – The Book!

I was delighted to find out about this recently released book on the work and life of Turi Gramstad Oliver, …and what a book to behold. 360 Pages of mesmerising beauty written by Torunn Larsen and designed by trykkSAK forlag

It is at the same time beautiful to look at, as well as a comprehensive, superbly edited and illustrated volume which is near impossible to put down. It is a book I will be coming back to time after time.

From the book designers:

Turi Gramstad Oliver is the woman behind the world famous Turi-design. This book gives a unique insight into both her personal life and lifelong artisanship. It displays Turi’s broad range of work; from her porcelain designs for Figgjo, to her work with textiles and handmade paper. Written by Torunn Larsen, this book includes over 500 illustrations and pictures from Turi’s personal archive’

The book is breathtaking in its scope…..starting with Turi’s childhood, and how her interest in drawing and ceramics started…..then onto her time in England (which I knew little of until reading about it here)….followed by a detailed account of Turi’s time, designs and working relationships at Figgjo – and that is just the first half of the book……

About Turi’s Figgjo designs, Torrun writes:

These narrative designs form an essential part of Turi’s Figgjo production and exist as glazed monuments to her talent as an illustrator. She balances playful richness with decorative minimalism. She also drew stylised decorative designs with a sharp eye for detail, with the starting point for the patterns often being inspired by nature. The use of colour over the course of 20 years at Figgjo testifies to both the will and capacity to experiment”

The second part of the book explores Turi’s work as an important Fabric and Paper Artist, including more beautiful illustrations and photographs of her work .

The lovely thing about this book is that this is not a dry and academic book, but a fascinating glimpse into the personal and working life of an Artist which will resonate with so many people.

I love this piece of writing near the end of the book

” Turi’s large, gnarled hands bear witness to a long life of manual labour dealing in clay, thread and fibre …as well as food and soil. …….with innovation and a farmer like work ethic, she has built up her artistry, her home, her garden, and her work environment, while refusing to let her work be synonymous with exhaustion and deprivation. Turi’s exuberant zest for life stands in almost comical contrast to the cliche of the suffering artistic genius that has taken up such a prominent place in art history. Her artistic method has been to cultivate, and to share the fruits of a good life, turning to face the sun, while keeping her roots in good soil”

Have a look at the promotional video by the publisher at the end of this post to see more of the book.

The book is in a limited release of 1,500 copies, and can be ordered via the site set up for it HERE. Even with the postage cost all the way to here in Australia, I think this book represents outstanding value for money, and is a treasure trove of information to be found nowhere else.


trykkSAK #2 from SAK design on Vimeo.


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